Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Broader Islam - Pluralism

Through out the century, a lot of faculty of mind have been expand from the west. One of it is Puralism. It was define as an expression concerning of acceptance.

By adapting the concept in modern religion practice, few group of with interest had used this idea to address all religion to be at the same level through their opinion and act.

It loosely show how they accept that their prior faith and religion is not the sole and exclusive source of truth and thus at least some truths and true value exist in other religions.

But do you think this is right? no matter ones is Islam/ Christian/ Taoist/ Buddhist/ or Hindu, there must be a reason there a still holding their belief strongly with them. Are you willing to give up yours?

Cases have been reported in various place in Malaysia on the matter which spur anger among its Malay citizens (Major is from Islam-Sunni Sect) which sprung up 60% from the country population. Among the issues was:

1. The recognition of Lina Joy to be a first Christian Malay.

2. The funeral arrangement of a death convert Indian Muslim which prolong as the family claiming the body to be settle in a Hindu funeral ceremonies

3. The usage of the word "Allah" in the local Bible translation for local in one of the state which majority was a catholic christian as claim that the usage already long from their ancestor.

4. A local entertainment industry selling movie with the idea that every religion share the same concept in its teaching therefore no matter what religion you are, it does not matter as long as you practice what it thought piously (actually, whats the same is, the morale objective that lies behind every religion, usually it support the act of peace, unity and love)

5. Latest is the issue that spur in Pulau Pinang, an island state in Malaysia currently administer by the Democratic Action Party (DAP) with Mr. Lim Guan Eng as it Chief Minister. The case roar through out the country when five (5) mosque reported to recite the Chief Minister name in the pray.

The thing is, in Islam, follower never been teach that its totally wrong to pray for the non-muslim, beside the late Prophet (S.A.W) also pray for the non-muslim to be given enlightenment so their heart will be open to the our one true beliefs.

But the idea of asking a forgiveness for one that still not commit to the Kalimah Syahadah is totally wrong, also if it was done for the sake of ones position or even worse if it happen as a conspiracy order by the political party as propaganda to initiate anger among Malaysian citizens to ruin ones image in the race toward the next general election.

My view is refer to Quranic verse below and few other sources as follow:

“Tidaklah dibenarkan bagi Nabi dan orang-orang yang beriman, meminta ampun bagi orang-orang musyrik, sekalipun orang itu kaum kerabat sendiri, sesudah nyata bagi mereka bahawa orang-orang musyrik itu adalah ahli neraka.”
(Surah At-Taubah: 113)

“Orang-orang Yahudi berpura-pura bersin di majlis Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, dengan tujuan supaya Baginda bersabda dan mendoakan mereka dengan mendapat rahmat Allah – sebagaimana doa bagi orang-orang Islam apabila mereka bersin – Maka Baginda bersabda (kepada orang-orang Yahudi ketika mereka bersin) semoga Allah memberi hidayat kepada kamu dan membetulkan hal ehwal kamu.”

(Hadis riwayat Tirmidzi)

“Thufail bin ‘Amr datang kepada Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam seraya berkata: “Wahai Rasulullah! Sesungguhnya kabilah Daus telah menderhaka dan enggan (menerima Islam), mohonlah (berdoalah) kepada Allah agar ditimpakan keburukan ke atas mereka.” Orang-orang menyangka bahawa Baginda akan berdoa memohon sesuatu keburukan ke atas mereka (kabilah Daus). Maka Baginda bersabda: “Ya Allah! Berikanlah hidayat kepada kabilah Daus dan datangkanlah mereka sebagai orang-orang Islam.”
(Hadis riwayat Bukhari)
“Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam pernah minta tolong menimba air, lalu ada orang Yahudi yang menimbakan air untuk Baginda. Maka Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam mendoakannya: “Semoga Allah menjadikanmu tampan selalu.” Maka orang Yahudi itu sehingga meninggal dunia tidak pernah kelihatan uban dikepalanya.” 

(Hadis riwayat Ibnu as-Sunni)

All of those prayer as above were put as Harus in the Islam teaching. But it is the other way around (Haram) if a prayer of asking forgiveness and safety from punishment for those from the Allah S.W.T judgment since its  already been promised for them in the after world.

We should start looking this situation as one, as an ummah, not separately and fighting against each other as how the Jews planned and wanted to. Eventually we will destroy every hope of unity we seek for.

"Bagaikan jutaan buih di lautan yang luas, banyak tetapi lemah"