Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Act Of Disgrace - Another Perspective

Malaysia - Indonesia  has a close background build up from the same grass root - Ethnicity, history, language, demography. The relation so tight that sometime decedent from both country is relate to one another in a same family tree. Take for example, The Malaysian Fifth Prime Minister, He was the decedent of a warrior tribe, the Bugis that came from Sulu, an Indonesian Island locate in the east region of Indonesia wide landscape. His ancestor history goes back long time a go in a time of the great seafarer generation trayel in a journey to Tanah Melayu for new opportunity.

But that's just a small portion of a long going Malaysia-Indonesia relation. What seems close sometimes can also be far apart. The diplomatic friendly relation was not share by a minority group of both of its citizen. A group of extremist in Indonesia and a growing number of fed up Malaysia citizens (after chain of event repeatedly occur show by its neighbor country extremist) seem to be recklessly dishonor the mutual respect ties by the diplomatic relation.

The beginning of the conflict can be remember starting since as early of Tanah Melayu Post-Independent era. The much controversial Indonesia leader, President Sukarno has unleashed the Indonesian dissatisfaction toward the formation of Malaysia in a 1963 Confrontation "Ganyang Malaysia". This was cause by the joining of Sabah and Sarawak into the Malaysia formation thus against the idea of Indonesia-Raya, an idea to unify the whole Tanah Melayu and Indonesia after the colonial ages (also, Malaysia leader at that time was accused to start a neo -colonial era by getting its independent by diplomatic approach from its former colonist) .

Later, after more then half of a century, both country still feel the anger within its citizens, incite by a lot more incident such as:

1. Different view in language and culture
2. Illegal immigrant from indonesia
3. Usage of "indon" term
4. Visit Malaysia Campaign 2007
5. South east Asian haze issues
6. llegal logging at Sabah, Malaysia - Indonesia border
7. Indonesia classical work theft
8. Malaysia Soldier Recruit - Wataniah Regiment

Though lot of the matter have been clarify and resolved through compromise and consensus, There still lot of small matter running in discussion for example the lowest pay for Indonesia Maid request, Determining the international water border and responsible in Melaka Strait, the Malaysian National flag burn by local Indonesian issues and the most recent Act of Disgrace by contamination the front door of Malaysian Ambassador building in Indonesia Capital with human feces.

Though the formal explanation of the incident claim by the Indonesian Ambasador in Malaysia is incite by the immoral media sensational rating chaser and firing the extremist "Benteng Demokrasi Rakyat (BENDERA)" group, but question were asked, where is the role of the Indonesian government in protecting the mutual trust and relation in both country diplomatic relation?


Looking the matter from another side, all of the matter happen in a weird circumstances and keep on repeating. Doesn't it seems like some work of a third party from outside? Through a logic and common sense,  and the most important thing...with the same religion background, both country should be strongly tied.

My view is, if we can think it right, lets put aside our different, let work with our strength, the cooperation between this two country will behold a strong influence in a lot of matter. The says in the South East Asian (ASEAN) channel, the unification in issues stand in the the Organizational of Islamic Connference (OIC), the control of Melaka Straits, the claim to a dispute water and land territory toward greater China in the South China Sea.

Can we see what happen to North and South Korea on going cold relation, the Vietnam War Campaign, Iran and Iraq (100 years war), the Venezuala-Columbia confrontation, Pakistan - India (Kashmir border territorial dispute). The is a summary from a long running list of country that face problem with their neighbor probably due to some subversive campaign fund by group (country) of self interest that benefit from the ongoing onslaught.


Monday, August 23, 2010

The Firework of The Festive Celebration

Today, a parent of two surrender after disappearing from the crime scene of firecracker blown up in Cabang Tiga, Kuala Terengganu. The incident which took one of the child life which stranded at a tree 15m from the house after the explosion "surprise" the nation. Two adults also reported to be seriously injured by the explosion.

Every Year our local newspaper and media never once miss to publish on an accident involve with firecracker during the Aidilfitri festive. Children lost their body part, while other were badly injured and sometime we couldn't even recognize their face after those incident.

The question is, is it the temptation inside the children, to have fun during the fasting - Aidilfitri is the devil? or is it the parents fault..endanger their children by giving them this merchandise-trying their best to please their love one innocence mind. OR is it cause by the loose/incompetence law enforcement?

I really wonder, since the incident repeatedly happen every year even though the news never fail portraying that this children future life is at stake and indeed, it can never be replace when they encounter it. Do the manufacturer/government/parent realize what is the real issues here? The more you ban this firecracker, the more you are making the smuggler rich. Problem didn't solve,the demand attract more new smuggler, low quality merchandise sold with high price, at the end, children still get their hand to the dangerous merchandise.

Also, did anyone notice, during the Chinese New Year (this is not a racist remark) and Pesta Bunga Api Putrajaya for instant, firecracker was widely use (under a great supervision). What make it so different?? Yes, as you would say that in the event, the firecracker was handle under high safety control measure. But I did myself saw, during the CNY celebration, lots of firecracker was handle by public, with no special supervision, no accident was reported though the portion use were in larger scale (and yet not even a single police chase them off..weird)

So, since the government talk a lot about innovation. I think!!! lets innovate how we look at the matter. Let start to think how to inovate or create a firecracker that it is more user friendly and safer for our children. Give this idea to the bumiputera company who intrest, sure they will get million bulk of RM, but only if the government turn its direction to legalize this merchandise and get a formal SIRIM approval with it.

Our kids just looking for the excitement of the aidilfitri celebration. They shouldn't be the victim of our stupid ego- turn the perception. Stop the banning and seizing operation, its not the answer and it will never work!!! (ironically, most police that i knew, took the seize item back for their family)


For those who drive : drive carefully
For those who still looking to play the firecracker : play with caution, you dont wanna end up in the hospital just because you buy a low quality/old stuff merchandise.
For all the youngster that have a promising talent : dont waste it creating a self made "meriam paip"

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Population Control Policy - Elites Intellectual - Not That Perfect

Singapore - once a British Empire Pearl of the East, has vastly develop through post-independent and separation period from Malaysia. The past 50 years the island has go back and fourth on its Population Control Policy thus to empower its grand leader vision to optimize the population vs market growth and its burst its elite intellectual group development mechanism. This tremendous headache continues as the country fail to reverse the policy as its population decline below the replacement level hence shrinking its number by time. to date, its a biggest challenge for the leadership though they still have the mentor and senior minister along with them.


Dawn of The Pearl

Size and composition of Singapore's population has been determined by the interaction of migration and natural increase. After independence in 1965, Singapore's government imposed few policy to curb the rapid population growth as a threat to living standards and political stability, as large numbers of children and young people threatened to overwhelm the schools, the medical services, and the ability of the economy to generate employment for them all. So, the bias policy started...for all the unskilled section:

- temporary residence permits for unskilled labor
- unskilled labor prohibited from marrying without prior official permission 
- unskilled labor women tested for pregnancy every six months

But this is not for the highly dedicated "elites":
- campaign to attract skilled HK professionals (Chinese cultural environment/ lower living costs)
- discourage emigration by local professionals and managers.


The Policy - Reducing the Birth Rate!!!

1. Abortion and voluntary sterilization were legalized (1970)

2. Population disincentives - raise the costs of bearing third, fourth, and subsequent children.(1969 and 1972)
3. No paid maternity leave for third and subsequent children (Civil Servant)
4. Progressively higher fees for Maternity Hospital Fees for each additional birth
5. Income tax deductions for all but the first two children eliminated.
6. Large families received no extra consideration in public housing assignments
7. Priority given for first and second child for enrollment to the most desirable primary schools
8. Voluntary sterilization rewarded by seven days of paid sick leave & priority in the allocation (housing and education)
9. Publicity campaigns urging parents to "Stop at Two" and arguing that large families threatened parents' present livelihood and future security.

I understand when the policy justified that it as a means of encouraging the poor to concentrate their limited resources on adequately nurturing a few children who would be equipped to rise from poverty and become productive citizens. So what happen next?? Fertility seriously decline below the replacement level after 1975.


But, the perfect policy seems to be a backlash and the government slowly reacted by (still working cautiously to defend its elite intellectual exclusive:

1. Give preferential school admission to children whose mothers were university graduates
2. S$10,000 to less educated women who agreed to be sterilized after the birth of their second child.
3. Social Development Unit as matchmaker for unmarried university graduates. (policies abandoned or modified for being ineffective in 1985)

Later in 1986, everything was reverse:

1. Slogan of "Stop at Two" was replaced by "Have Three or More, if You Can Afford It." in 1986.
2. Incentives for large families
3. Tax rebates for third children
4. Subsidies for daycare
5. Priority in school enrollment for children from large families
6. Extended sick leave for civil servants to look after sick children
7. Four years' unpaid maternity leave for civil servants.
8. Discourage "abortions of convenience" or sterilization after the birth of one or two children.

Despite these measures, total fertility rate reached a historic low. The government reacted in October 1987 by urging Singaporeans not to "passively watch ourselves going extinct" and to promote the joys of marriage and parenthood.

The country policy in the early year to curb the population is so effective that now, all of its citizen enjoy S$20,000 tax rebate for fourth children born after January 1, 1988 and till now, under the third Prime Minister, incentives is given to all married women with the 'baby bonus' scheme. MEWAH NYA ^^

Many people have different view on how LKY have run the country, for me his brain work like a magic, he develop a small island without any natural resource and lots of threat by its neighboring county early of the separation from Malaysia - but concurrently create a robust economy boom with his idea of intellectual class governing and making a path of direction for the country and the citizen to follow "obediently".

“We are going to have an intellectual class, about maybe three times as big as what you have now and that will give us the dynamism, the powerful engine to carry us forward faster.” 
- Lee Kuan Yew, 28th July, 2010
But after all this years, the side product is see from a dynamic and powerful economy of the island is it led by none other than his own son, PM Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore's "elite intellectuals" which are systematically undoing LKY years of hard work and the foundation upon which this country has arisen.

No need to mention the failure of the population control policy - Not That Perfect from a well known great man of The Pearl.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Broader Islam - Pluralism

Through out the century, a lot of faculty of mind have been expand from the west. One of it is Puralism. It was define as an expression concerning of acceptance.

By adapting the concept in modern religion practice, few group of with interest had used this idea to address all religion to be at the same level through their opinion and act.

It loosely show how they accept that their prior faith and religion is not the sole and exclusive source of truth and thus at least some truths and true value exist in other religions.

But do you think this is right? no matter ones is Islam/ Christian/ Taoist/ Buddhist/ or Hindu, there must be a reason there a still holding their belief strongly with them. Are you willing to give up yours?

Cases have been reported in various place in Malaysia on the matter which spur anger among its Malay citizens (Major is from Islam-Sunni Sect) which sprung up 60% from the country population. Among the issues was:

1. The recognition of Lina Joy to be a first Christian Malay.

2. The funeral arrangement of a death convert Indian Muslim which prolong as the family claiming the body to be settle in a Hindu funeral ceremonies

3. The usage of the word "Allah" in the local Bible translation for local in one of the state which majority was a catholic christian as claim that the usage already long from their ancestor.

4. A local entertainment industry selling movie with the idea that every religion share the same concept in its teaching therefore no matter what religion you are, it does not matter as long as you practice what it thought piously (actually, whats the same is, the morale objective that lies behind every religion, usually it support the act of peace, unity and love)

5. Latest is the issue that spur in Pulau Pinang, an island state in Malaysia currently administer by the Democratic Action Party (DAP) with Mr. Lim Guan Eng as it Chief Minister. The case roar through out the country when five (5) mosque reported to recite the Chief Minister name in the pray.

The thing is, in Islam, follower never been teach that its totally wrong to pray for the non-muslim, beside the late Prophet (S.A.W) also pray for the non-muslim to be given enlightenment so their heart will be open to the our one true beliefs.

But the idea of asking a forgiveness for one that still not commit to the Kalimah Syahadah is totally wrong, also if it was done for the sake of ones position or even worse if it happen as a conspiracy order by the political party as propaganda to initiate anger among Malaysian citizens to ruin ones image in the race toward the next general election.

My view is refer to Quranic verse below and few other sources as follow:

“Tidaklah dibenarkan bagi Nabi dan orang-orang yang beriman, meminta ampun bagi orang-orang musyrik, sekalipun orang itu kaum kerabat sendiri, sesudah nyata bagi mereka bahawa orang-orang musyrik itu adalah ahli neraka.”
(Surah At-Taubah: 113)

“Orang-orang Yahudi berpura-pura bersin di majlis Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, dengan tujuan supaya Baginda bersabda dan mendoakan mereka dengan mendapat rahmat Allah – sebagaimana doa bagi orang-orang Islam apabila mereka bersin – Maka Baginda bersabda (kepada orang-orang Yahudi ketika mereka bersin) semoga Allah memberi hidayat kepada kamu dan membetulkan hal ehwal kamu.”

(Hadis riwayat Tirmidzi)

“Thufail bin ‘Amr datang kepada Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam seraya berkata: “Wahai Rasulullah! Sesungguhnya kabilah Daus telah menderhaka dan enggan (menerima Islam), mohonlah (berdoalah) kepada Allah agar ditimpakan keburukan ke atas mereka.” Orang-orang menyangka bahawa Baginda akan berdoa memohon sesuatu keburukan ke atas mereka (kabilah Daus). Maka Baginda bersabda: “Ya Allah! Berikanlah hidayat kepada kabilah Daus dan datangkanlah mereka sebagai orang-orang Islam.”
(Hadis riwayat Bukhari)
“Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam pernah minta tolong menimba air, lalu ada orang Yahudi yang menimbakan air untuk Baginda. Maka Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam mendoakannya: “Semoga Allah menjadikanmu tampan selalu.” Maka orang Yahudi itu sehingga meninggal dunia tidak pernah kelihatan uban dikepalanya.” 

(Hadis riwayat Ibnu as-Sunni)

All of those prayer as above were put as Harus in the Islam teaching. But it is the other way around (Haram) if a prayer of asking forgiveness and safety from punishment for those from the Allah S.W.T judgment since its  already been promised for them in the after world.

We should start looking this situation as one, as an ummah, not separately and fighting against each other as how the Jews planned and wanted to. Eventually we will destroy every hope of unity we seek for.

"Bagaikan jutaan buih di lautan yang luas, banyak tetapi lemah"