Monday, September 20, 2010

Buying Malaysian Product is Our Responbility - Their Responsbility?

Salute !! Lets support the BUY MALAYSIAN PRODUCT Campaign.

All hail to our national product. No matter how reckless, no matter there is a weakness, lack or incompetent or even the price comparison is higher than its quality, lets buy to encourage our country economy growth, to be patriotic, to be a true Malaysian.

Don't forget, our contribution also will help to make our local capitalist industrial owner richer (they say its better than enriching some foreign capitalist). Without us they wont even reach to that level. and that is something to be proud of. Let see, what they give back in return to us? Employment. Yes, which the salary (that didn't even reach 1/200 from what they make in a year) will then we use again to buy our national product, again. I am so patriotic.

With all respect and support for domestic market growth, most Malaysian citizen do support the campaign.

Thanks to the last administration, thousand of Malaysian do get a job and gain from the market bursting economy (a last, they know that they can also do business).How gratefull should we be, so buy Malaysian product.

Of course, hundreds of cronies become richer in just one night (I did try to justify before that this people was not a crony to our leader, but a competitive opportunist that won the tender and prove they can also produce an excellent result. BUT, somehow I learn that, most of them indeed were a crony, a crony to the lower leader who abuses their power - They really know how to play the game). That is not important. As long as our country prosper, the government make more local millionaire, the foreign development investment keep on rolling in and the business keep on  paying the taxes.

To tell you truth, not all of our leader nowadays really care to commit to buy Malaysian product themselves. They clearly don't even care in developing the country too(and the citizen as a whole). Its all about the taxes. all the responsibility to fulfill the campaign whats left to our shoulder.

Just look around you. Where are we now? The visions 2020 is just 10 years ahead but are we accomplish as much as we plan before?All of this buy Malaysian product campaign, where is it heads too? Yes, I understand that a lot of initiative had been taken to fasten the pace to be a higher income country. But do all of the government agency involve really understand the initiative objective? Do the initiative really suit the race to develop each of the state inside the country to collectively gain a develop country status?

I have seen a lot of campaign/initiative taken far from it initial objective. For example the green ICT campaign, some government agency was misguided as they started to organize an environment programme though it was far from its existing core business (the initiative was to exercise all effort in reducing unnecessary power usage and conserving power supply by applying the future procurement for ICT asset in line with recommended energy efficient/saver product.

Another classic example was our current public transport, i will explain in a brief easy to case study. Passengers wait for the schedule train given, the train is late, people stranded, situation become over crowd with waiting passenger. And when the train arrive, all of the waiting passengers start pushing each other and look at that, the train can’t meet the capacity. The remaining passenger advises to wait for the next train and the cycle start over. It is so inconvenience in term of safety, time and value for money.

But what surprising me is how the issues was confront when public transport was subject as a serious national issues in the new administration. Their decision is – to buy new coach. Are we blind? Can you compare what the different between our train and our neighbor facility – it’s the engine capacity, strict timing – consistent and trust-able schedule system. Oh wait, there is a few company that in need to make profit from the deal.

Actually I am too naive, inexperienced and young to understand this.  If all the problem is solve, what is the use of all the appoint agency out here. If we disband this agency, where are we going to place the experienced and meritorious leader? It will be a lost to the country.

This reflect how our country is run. Dear respectable leader, please realize, the tree you plant will produce a bitter taste of fruit generation later. Some already here standing watching you.

I’ve gone too far from the main topic, let see. How do you really feel when you are buying a Malaysian product? No, let rewind just a step back, when you are thinking to buy a Malaysian Product. Did you ever hear any national anthem play as background music?How does buying a Malaysian product really make you a patriot?

Actually, the country really do needs our contribution to move the economy. They even gave a bonus and subsidy to indirectly initiate us to buy. Lot of campaign held by al sort of agency in promoting our Malaysian product. Thank you to all the patriotic consumer (Crap, some of you just don't rich enough to buy imported stuff, I know deep inside you want it too, don't bluff me).Anyway, you really do the country a favor. We were out from the economy crippled situation just by coming to SOGO and buy lot of stuff so that the business will pay the tax back to the government. There is a lot type of tax you know, make a research. Don’t worry; the GST will be no more near in the future.

But after all we did, after all this time, many have been cheated, the profit made was not good enough. Fraud is happening here and there, lot of scam, people been cheated, consumer right been neglected. Business is even working so hard to learn new "method" to suck people blood. What is important is just how many profit they can increased to fight their rival, to fulfill their bosses at the end of every month. Multi-level Marketing, counterfeit merchandise, internet scam, illegal fund raising, quality fraud. Who care how much the people work to earn their money. They are the one who keep on dreaming to live like the rich and famous. They are the one who don’t know how to measure their pocket and use their head. It’s not a crime to sell lies, it just a marketing strategy. Nothing is personal, just plain business.

Thousands of consumers were openly cheated but no action was taken. Enforcement was loosely taken till all of this thugs getting untouchable even to the authority. Complaint made to agency was taken unserious and some not even bother to open up a cases and scold back at the complainant face. In this country, complaint wasn’t taken serious unless you were somebody or some harmful accident has taken place and the media has cover it. Without doubt, the citizen is well aware of this trend and how the system of our country is run. It is a shame, when nothing can be done by the authority to protect its citizens. It is like a fate determine in those barbaric day where the weak is always there for the stronger to take advantage.

Soon or later, our country will left strangle between the high income and the lower income citizen (a nation economy is shrinking if the income scale decrease it dense in the middle income sector).

Where is the first world mentality in term of businesses? Where is the responsibility of those who doing business. What is the part of our authority in redress this situation. I will take an easy judgment like other; blame it all to our consumer. It is they who do not understand their right and responsible. Is it?

So, let be patriot, keep on buying Malaysian product.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Asian Carp VS American Sturgeon

Nowadays we can see a lot of philanthropist and environmentalist came to help maintain the sustainability of the earth resource usage, climate change, carbon emission footprint, nature invasion, environmental clean power, nuclear warhead.

But it is irony that most of them came from the country that taken advantage from the mother earth year after year. Yes, we recognize and thank for the effort taken by them. BUT how many should the develop world or the poor third world nation stand back for damage done by them? Yes it’s bad for the nature if we utilize the our entire source we have now, we do understand. BUT isn’t it the same if their capitalist multinational giants come down to this country and grab it all for themselves? If they talk so much, what is their country commitment to the Kyoto Protocol? Below is few initiative in term of environmental convention and agreement, just to name a few:

1. International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties Intervention Convention, Brussels, 1969.
2. Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, Vienna, 1985
3. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), New York, 1992
4. World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johansberg, 2002

The famous Kyoto Protocol which designated to stabilize the collective greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system  in Kyoto, Japan (11 December 1997) wasn’t signed by the biggest carbon gas producer country on earth (which this philanthropist and environmentalist ) which without doubt the biggest contributor of all the green house gas.

WHY? Of course it will crapple down their economy, the machine that source million of Uncle Ben to this capitalists. It doesn’t need a scientist to understand that  all of the source which our most honorable philanthropist and environmentalist use to HELP change the world come from this gigantic company.

Yes, from this millions of dollar they make from us, they are so generous to give away a small portion of it and have a say (they call it as an advise, a call for the nature) to the third world to stop destroying the world. Are we the one to be blame all alone?

Here is an example of a very important issue they rather take serious than the Kyoto Protocol. So important that evens the Obama administration came down to help look into it.

In 1970, United States catfish farmers introduced Asian Carp into their ponds as an effort to control algae growth - a species of fish found in China (THEY STARTED IT THEMSELVES).  Flooding throughout the last several decades washed the fish out of those ponds into other waterways.  Gradually, the species multiplied and spread north along major rivers such as the Mississippi and the Illinois. 

Gradually, This Asian Carp edge out the other native species in the river until they are one of the only kinds of fish left.  It is catastrophic to the natural ecosystem, and a problem for the fishing industry. With no natural predator in the water, and almost no domestic market to sell them as food, Asian Carp threaten to expand into waterways through the city of Chicago, and into Lake Michigan, about 320 kilometres northwest of Havana.

They call it out as an INVASION, funny that the term were used by the media when thousands of marine jump out into the Iraq to capture the lunatic dictators for the weapon of mass destruction (WMD) he develop – But I remember they found nothing, but who care, the dictator has been topple, the democracy has been restore, the Iraqis should be so grateful. Aren’t they??

Is it look the same?

Now the country society (Philanthropists, environmentalist, angler, capitalist and as i said even the present administration) is so worried that this invasion will be a catastrophic event – much bigger than the Kyoto Protocol itself I believe.

They were so worry that this fish move forward to the Great lakes and could utterly disrupt the existing ecosystem, potentially starving out the American sturgeons, trout and other native fish that make the Great Lakes a multimillion tourism spot. They even build an Electric Barrier Defence System and hold a redneck tournament to catch this fishes. If they don’t do this now, a shutdown of the lake is required to curb down this invasion. This will bring a greater impact not just to the American fishing and tourism industry but also to its 14.6 million tons of commodities annually move through the canal (American Waterways Operators). Iron and steel from northern Indiana, gravel and building materials for Chicago are among the commodities whose Great Lakes shipment would be halted or would have to be shipped by alternative, more costly methods.

A documentary channel also summarize that this event would cater the future extinction of their so loveable American Sturgeon, a type of fish that can be track back from the Jurassic era. They blame the extinction cause by the Asian carp.

But interestingly, the American sturgeon population has declined to a 50-year low. Why? Have you heard of caviar, the rich dish serve in those five star hotels? This Caviar lusts fulfill by processing Sturgeon eggs. This is the key factor leading to the sturgeon's world-wide decline. (THEY STARTED IT THEMSELVES AGAIN).

Blame the problem to other, what a de ja vu.

The only reason here is, the American looks at Asian Carp as an undesirable fish to eat. They find it smelly and it interlace floating bones make it a hard to eat. Strange, in Asian people would pay hundred to eat this fish. So how hard can it be? Just because they don’t want to eat it, it becomes a national issues? How come this small issue can beat the global warming in term of its priority? My answer, there is only one reason.

selfFISH – they are the AMERICAN STURGEON after all.

p/s: Looking from the other perspective, the world situation now, do you believe that this "Sturgeon" will do anything they can to curb the "Asian Carp" growing power? Let see how they do it.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Our Mainstream Media - When will it change?

I don’t remember when I started to stop reading Utusan Malaysia, but i realize it when a friend comes up with the issues of the mainstream media to me. He was fed up with it, the same issues, format and most importantly, being use on political propaganda purpose.

All Malaysian mainstream media is a political paper, that plain. As it cannot be truly independent as it does not have a mind of its own but just more for some group purposes. Hence, public will read/watch the same headline/issues as 20 years back then repeatedly - the politic. This does not make any sense at all. We can see that people start to search for alternative.

In this turmoil time, I expect Malaysian media (the newspaper especially,since they had a long history in our country post independent) to change it direction (political party to release it grab or reporter to be more transparent), show that they can improve better, deliver and able to compete for the people’s trust. The new atmosphere now is full with alternative sources where the internet, foreign media and blog was taking out the mainstream news place in providing platform for the public.

Right now that is not happening. What they are doing is merely to continue dividing the people along religion and ethnic lines. Creating fear and prejudice. Being a political tool by rewriting all of this issues and sentiment over and over again, the media is reporting the same old chapter without any pure effort to unite the society. (we can see through your made up campaign - can we really see it work in reality?)

This is sad. People stop reading the paper, and worse searching and believing information from those unethical bloggers because of this. Because they are fed up with the mainstream news that somehow was clearly political bias. I wonder why the mainstream media and our leader cannot see this as a serious and dangerous event if we continue not to do the right thing to regain the people trust.

For example, recently the Utusan was widely known putting a merely headline of "BANGKITLAH ORANG MELAYU-BERSATU HADAPI TUNTUAN KAUM LAIN YANG KETERLALUAN". What would happen if Chinese and Tamil newspapers had emblazoned ‘Chinese Arise’ or ‘Indian Arise’ headlines on their front-page? I am Malay and I fight for the Malay right too, but why make our multi ethnic society uniqueness fragile? Its okay for one to remind his race on the matter (but with more appropriate and rational context). But what happen here is the main Malaysia media do it? As expected, the opposition has use this, remarking that Utusan is purveying communal poison.

When a political party started to use media as a tool, the other part will somehow use it too and this is how the racial hatred was start.

If we really care about our race (Malay), why not launch a friendly campaign - for them to start taking education and business seriously and stop depending on subsidy. Gain financial freedom through business. Yes, the fact is, market being hold by the Chinese is hard and a lot of Ali Baba and cronyism issues out there is hurting too. But trust yourself, every business start from small and hard situation, even the Chinese start it hard centuries ago, but later when the time come for you to reap what you planted, then is the time for you to start smiling.

Judging the recent headlines in Utusan - The infamous Datuk Sosilawati murder case, I still doubt I will change my position to start reading back this political base controlled newspaper. My mind have set that almost all the mainstream media in Malaysia still does not meet the standard of independence and responsible journalism (this also include all unethical blog and website that was created for the purpose of political agenda).

The only reason I knew about this news is when I heard my staff fluently spit out the detail time line of the murder case. But gosh, it’s so detail. Great stuff I think.

When I hear the news on Datuk Sosilawati murder case where it was shown with a very detail table, the next page read out "a corpe was founded burnt in a abandon building in Johor Bahru", amazingly in the same page some gardener in Mantin, Negeri Sembilan also found a dead body strangle decomposing till death in his garden.

I sat back and think very hard on what is the probable thing that has happened. When the news on Mat Rempit was on up height, everywhere we will hear/see news reporting it, when the issues of dead baby left by some irresponsible teenager, i even get a chain email of pictures of baby corpse, not enough just from the TV and paper. And now the killing extravaganza. Before, Malaysia seems to be some peaceful place to live in, but when you heard that this Datuk also involve with 17 killing accusation?? what the hell? is it killing a people feel the same like killing a mosquito now? are we living in the west now?(not to mention all the underground gang fight and political killing that sprout like hell here). Is this all for real or, anytime a news hit the rating booster, every single reporter will work hard to look something similar to flame up their paper selling? Shockingly some Malaysian (Malay) was still sleeping, still didn't realize what happening around them and only care of all those entertainment gossip and foreign football headline only.

I wonder, what happen when some poor policeman struck by local Mat Rempit (all the effort by the public service officer - try to understand that the public service are not the ruling party or vice versa), scientific breakthrough which so much require publicity for local education to be boost, innovation project or public opinion/view from certain party that only quest for national interest, the real issues behind all local/public problem (economy, consumer price index, environmental, education) that will affect those in the future if keep on politicize by the so called the constituent "representative". Were the coverage given as much as this? One thing that everyone know, a month from the next general election, our paper will turn into garbage that only report on effort and nice doing of political candidate. Ha Ha Ha nothing else happen at that time. No Volcano eruption, no economy crisis, no anything..just focus to the candidate.

It look like that such news which didn't bring any political mileage for one in power or didn’t have a WOW-effects to boost the reader rating probably worth less than a front headline, even less will not be cover at all. The public must accept only what serve to them (Both side of the political parties cannot deny that such a thing happened in paper subjugated within their control - full with shit).

Nowadays, thing have literally change a lot, based on logical assessment, the majority Malaysian is educated and the use of internet is common. They can differentiate and rationalize what’s wrong and right base on the issues (some still shackle by the race and politic center attitude). What’s really matter is how issues was brought, confront by the responsible one and the result. This result is what important. The media can write a page full with the political representative KPI or manifesto but at the end the action speak by itself. And if the news is about the local police case (rape or kill), i think a direct report on the matter is better than writing a descriptive report that will disturb the police investigation and merely look more like a satire to the police.

Today mainstream media wasn’t work like the time of post-independent day. In such way, those times, the paper was the most viable and trusted source of information that unites its reader. It post a critical view on issues that happen at that time without any filtration. Yes, I do understand that today without filtration what happen is thousand of blog/website that post all sort of article and picture that unethically baseless and wasn’t true, hence more or less dividing our unity into section – Fitnah. Everyone talk whatever they want without even care the moral and effect of their action.

This is what I am saying. Back then we have Samad Ismail, Ishak Muhamad, Rahim Kajai, Ahmad Boestaman, Harun Aminurashid (just to name a few), this people share a vital knowledge and issues with the public, urge an action taken by the British, the Government and the Bussiness entity therefore being a apart of the result. This people by being vocal, commit and write news only with their own word of truth - no self interest issues. This is what we lack now.

After 50 years of independent, our paper is still covering issues like "masalah kekurangan beras", "rakyat tidak bersatu-padu". And worse the public now keep on being fed with all kind of effort by the political figure which widely known was using the public money.

The question here, aren’t our government had done a lot to settle this issues? Wasn’t it settled yet? Is there no other important news to be cover? Is it cause by the ruling party order to curb the mind growth of our Malaysian fellow (the major stakeholder in the main newspaper share) or is our media that still live within its comfort zone being back by the government with no competition?

We have done a good job in Jejak Rasul Programme. Aduan Rakyat is also a fresh start for the prime media to speak out for the public. What about the newspaper? How the type of news topic is cover, the format, perspective and focus in reporting the news. Until now the only readable part in the newspaper is that article by a freelance writer. I know that most of the news were so hard to be write but public were living in those bed of roses to long. It’s better to woke them up to realize that the ship is sinking.

What I want to say is, our mind set what it wants to think, and referring to the media psychological theory, we set our mind from what we see. Hence, are they someone trying to define (brainwash) the way we think?

The question that popped my mind is, are all the thing that happened-our mass media news covering trend is cause by some capitalist head who only see how much dollar can be made OR both side of the political party were trying to decapitated the public mind. Or worse, if we can somehow rationalize it, there is a coordinate effort from a higher hand out there that want to MALAYSIA to be as low and backward - in a sense of critical thinking, far from the international issues just like before the post independent era which we now we should taking matter in term of larger scale, the world as a whole.

I am not making an accusation but merely asking people to think rationally. If indeed this is the case, what are the probabilities that it is done by capitalist head/ the ruling party in power or those who are link to The New World Order?

My expectation from the mass media is for them to show us the way for better living-the answer of issues-the critical voice of the people. The weak reaction of the mainstream media in directing the public interest shows  how very poorly they work as a professional reporter.